Cans For Cards


After weeks of constant harassment from my wife to remove my C.F.C bullion I could no longer take the abuse, and rose up this morning in hopes of exchanging my treasure  for a freshly wrapped blaster. As you can tell by the total above I narrowly missed hitting the $21.56 blaster mark by $2.56 , and had to rely on threats that the next one would reach the ceiling in order to obtain the remainder.

It worked…

One freshly wrapped retail blaster of 2010 Heritage.

I wanted to throw a quick caution flag to all you Retail Heritage purchasers out there. It looks like Topps made an attempt to correct the odds issue found in  previous retail versions, and finally got things a little closer, However, the odds of pulling one chrome out of every eighteen packs seems a little stingy on Topps behalf.

Out of the six boxes ripped only four chromes have surfaced, and this box yielded zero. It’s looking like the average retail blaster  yields anywhere from 3-4* S.P’s, and one chrome card every other box. A far cry from last years release when you could pull up to five chromes a box, and a refractor every other box.

Lets check the hits, or should I say SP’s.

White Back #477

White Back #439

White Back 459

Handram T.S.N S.P

* The stated odds are 1-3 packs.


4 responses to “Cans For Cards

  1. Four SP’s in a Blaster? That’s actually pretty good considering they are normally 1:3 packs…

  2. 3-4. I just picked up another one only three. Masterson, Abreu, Buehrle.

  3. It’s no surprise that the chromes are harder to find this year- adding the stamps and lowering the availability of the numbered cards means they can overprint the base and SPs and sell more cards. Exclusive FTW!

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